Friday, September 21, 2012

Not america

School is horrible sometimes they always judge people.That shouldn't be what school is about. Then there's the teachers some of the teacher's are just plain mean and they judge you by the grades you get. Then there's the people that just don't stop talking and then they have to comment on every little thing. But, anyways today in class were doing our project slide thing that i said yesterday. Everybody was really disrespectful when we gave the USA presentation and i listen to all of them and then they just go and talk and my sly comments about it and it was really agrivating to me. This was just a bad school day today. Im done feel free to comment i wish people who are looking at my blog would so.

1 comment:

  1. I agree that the class was a little too snarky today. I attribute that to it being the end of a long week, and everybody was close to the edge. I wouldn't take it personally - you did a great job on your report and people respect that. Keep up the good work, and please keep contributing in class. It's nice to know I have somebody who is smart, who is paying attention, and who I can count on. (That would be you!)
