Thursday, October 25, 2012

today in Human Geo we really Just studied for our test that verve going to have on Friday it's basically about what we've learned over the Past few weeks like who discovered America and were they the first to discover its. But most of The questions are about the religion groups we've been talking about them. i hope i do well on the keep your fingers crossed for me please

Friday, October 19, 2012

The teacher told us that for our blog tonight we had to create 5 questions on what we learned a few days ago so here we go.

1. What religion has the most followers and how many followers do they have?

2. Was Christopher Columbus the first person to discover America, if not, then who?

3. What religion is the oldest living monotheistic religion?

4. How many followers does Buddhism have and where do most of those followers live?

5.Did the vikings conquer America if not why?

6. How many voyages did Columbus complete?

7. How many times do Muslims pray a day, and what direction are they facing and why?

A1. Christianity and 2.2 billion followers

A2. No, the Vikings were

A3. Judaism is the longest living monotheistic

A4. Buddhism has 376 million followers and most of them live in china , Japan, Mongolia and southwestern Asia

A5. They did find America but they didn't conquer it because they saw no need too

A6. He completed 4 voyages

A7. They pray 5 times a day and they face the direction of Mecca there holy city

Thursday, October 18, 2012

Today i Human Geo we went over again on the review i guess we could  it that on like the five major religions of the world which was ok but it was really weird because for some reason we were talking about stink bugs and i don't really know how the conversation got started really but it was disgustine because people would tell stories about like millions of stink bugs just being on there walls and i told one too but mine involled them outside and but seriously i hate stink bugs i will freak out if there is one near me there like skunks if the feel thretend they will spray there stink.

Tuesday, October 16, 2012


Today in class we went over what we did last week on Friday about the top religions in the world. It was really hot and stuffy in the room because well i don't know why but it was really hot and it's really hot right now. It was kind of boring so we went on lexi's page and we feed her fish everybody was really excited so we were all asking her how she got it but she didn't know so i asked somebody and they helped me and now on my blog i have a hamster named earl a dog named lucy and some turtles named fred and willma

Friday, October 12, 2012

RELIGIONS OF THE WORLD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • When and where was this religion founded?
  • Is it monotheistic or polytheistic?
  • If they have a holy book, what is it?
  • How many followers does this religion claim?
  • Who is the central figure of this religion?
  • What is the geographical concentration of this religion?
Was founded 3800 years ago by Abraham in Israel. Judaism is the original monotheistic. The Judaism Holy book is called tanakh. Judaism has about 14.5 million followers. The most central figures in Judaism are Abraham, Moses, Isaac, and Jacob. Judaism's live all around the world, but most of them live in North America( over 7 million people) (2.5%) and then the second highest is europe with (over 1 million people)( 0.3%).

It was founded in 1500-500 BCE and this era of Hinduism is known as historic Vedic Hindu religion, while modern Hinduism started from 1700-1100 BCE .Hinduism is at its a monotheistic religion. Hinduism's has a holy book and it's called veda. Hinduism is based on the concept of reincarnation, in which all living beings, from plants to gods, live in a cycle of living and dying and then coming back to earth as something different. The religion of Hinduism is mostly found in India.
Buddhism was founded in approximately 460 B.C. It was founded by a prince. Neither, Buddhism does not depend on the existence of a God who created the universe. Buddhist don't have a holy book because they don't believe in Good and they only God they believe in is Budda. Buddhists central figure is Budda. Mostly Northern east India practices and studies Buddhism 

Islam was founded in Mecca in 610 A.D.. Islam is a monotheistic religion. The Islam holy book is called Quran. Quran is organized into chapters called surah, and verses called ayat. Islam has 1.23 billion people studying and practicing Islam. There central figure is allah it means  God. 

1.)Christianity was founded in 30 A.D. and it teach's us about the life of Jesus Christ
Christianity was founded in Israel where the living teaching of Jesus Christ began. 2.)Catholicism is a monotheistic belief in one God religion. 3.) Christianities holy book is the Bible consisting of 66 books. 4.) there are 2.04 billion people that are and follow as a christian. 5.) the central figure of this religion in Jesus Christ. 6.) the geographical concentration is world wide all around the world people are practicing this every single day.

Monday, October 8, 2012


So far in class it's going pretty well because we went over our test and i didn't fail i got an 88%. And know were going over the Christpher Columbus day and it's history and stuff. Oh yeah and im really bored nothing out of the blue. We got a new student and for some reason we were all excited because he's like 6'11 or something like that and he's only a freshman and he's 14. It's kind of weird that i know all that about him. now were in groups and were researching topics that mr.schick gave us. And of course nobody wants me in there group im leaving this stupid school cause everybody hates me.

Friday, October 5, 2012


Today in class we took a test on God Grew Tired of Us and i feel pretty confidant about it because he did let us study but i was really into the movie and every time i'm in to something i pay attention more and i'm like that all the time. We went over the answer and i'm still feeling pretty confidant. the test was not that hard but im really scared because i need a good grade on this because i can't efford too fail because im almost failing now but im super bored and the people reading my blog never ever ever ever ever comment and it's ok but i would like to here your what your have to say about it so bye.

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

today in class.........

today in class as we finished God grew tired of us we just kind of reflected on it i guess but the class got in groups and we had to research foundations and organizations that effect people around the world daily and we had to a number of things with it. The first thing was that we had to first research  a foundation or organization and i researched cleft lips and it was sad because my cousin had a cleft lip when she was born, but she died a few hours or so later i don't know because i never got meet or see her, but anyways we picked a foundation and then we had to write or type a short summary on it like people with cleft lips are born with a part of their lips flapped over i guess and it can't be undone because your flapped lip it like glued to you upper mouth i guess. But if people out there sponsor a child from the organization they can help pay for the child to get surgery on his or hers mouth and they use a type of plastic, so it's basically plastic surgery on your lips but any ways it looks like you never had a cleft lip when you were born.

- Darian Weldon

Monday, October 1, 2012


Today in class we finished GOD GREW TIRED OF US and it was interesting because the three main guys  only 2 of the three could find there family and it was also said because the third guy doesn't know what happened to is family. like are they dead are they alive are they dying he doesn't know at all. But that was all we did today we want to try and see if one of the guys will come and speak to us at our school because it was just an amazing journey like how do you do that with out having some sort of mental break down. i'm not having a mental break down right now because im listening to GANGAM STYLE i know that dance to that and i can actually say i want the song on my ipod now or i am seriously going to have a mental breakdown. BTW if you want ot find him on facebook and ask him too come to JOHN CARROLL high school that be great.

heres the link if you want ot look it up but im sure people reading this already have.