Friday, October 5, 2012


Today in class we took a test on God Grew Tired of Us and i feel pretty confidant about it because he did let us study but i was really into the movie and every time i'm in to something i pay attention more and i'm like that all the time. We went over the answer and i'm still feeling pretty confidant. the test was not that hard but im really scared because i need a good grade on this because i can't efford too fail because im almost failing now but im super bored and the people reading my blog never ever ever ever ever comment and it's ok but i would like to here your what your have to say about it so bye.


  1. I'm glad you liked the movie, Darian! Good job on the test, too - you got an 88.

    Any suggestions on what I can do to keep you from being super bored in class? Your thoughts are welcome.

  2. I don't Know for one thing you can move austin because he is really annoying and he gets his 2 sense into everything like if i make comment he tells me to shut up which i really want to smack him butt i can't
