Thursday, September 27, 2012


today in class we watched some of the movie  "God Grew Tired of Us" they finally got to go to America. And they were saying all things like "all american's are either fat or lazy" " and i'm not going to like that".  It was really weird and funny at the same time because they would eat american food like they would eat mayo and butter strait up and be like there food is weird and disgustine it's horrible. But there just not toned to this life style. I don't know i can't write or type this article / blog because i'm to unfocused soooo yeah  have fun trying to figure out what i'm trying to say bye

- Darian

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

blah blah blah balh

Today in class we checked our test that we had on Monday and i totally failed that thing. And then this morning i relized i didn't do my blog for Monday and i was really mad cause i usually never miss a blog and i was like wwwwwooooooooowwwwww i forgot to do my blog what a failure i am. I just want this year to be over. And we also started a movie called God Grew Tired of Us. It's about people well mostly guys in africa who had to leave there country to escape from being killed and it's really depressing because the population of the boys went down from 27,000 to 12,000 in 5 years. 15,000 boys died it's heart breaking. And some of these boys could have been like 4 or 6 or 9 or even 67. who knows nobody does.

Friday, September 21, 2012

Not america

School is horrible sometimes they always judge people.That shouldn't be what school is about. Then there's the teachers some of the teacher's are just plain mean and they judge you by the grades you get. Then there's the people that just don't stop talking and then they have to comment on every little thing. But, anyways today in class were doing our project slide thing that i said yesterday. Everybody was really disrespectful when we gave the USA presentation and i listen to all of them and then they just go and talk and my sly comments about it and it was really agrivating to me. This was just a bad school day today. Im done feel free to comment i wish people who are looking at my blog would so.

Thursday, September 20, 2012

Human geo

Today in class we were presenting the power point and my group had America. And i thought we were going to go first but it was like one of things were raise your hand if you want your group to first. It was pretty chill we got to learn about some different countries. And how old some of the people there get to live till. Like, most of the countries that we listen to most of the woman lived longer. That was also because woman didn't take on hard jobs that could kill you. Any ways the first group went up and the teachers like okay compare that to America. I was okay wow one thing there comparing no big deal, but they started to compare a lot of things to America and i like (in my head) if they keep comparing stuff to America my group when it goes up there to give it's presentation every bodies already going to know about it we would have just done a project for nothing and i don't want to fail this class either. I'm already failing some class's

Wednesday, September 19, 2012


Today were got groups for our basically one day project. The groups are to research some topics on a country that the teacher assigns us. My group got AMERICA. USA! USA! USA! WOOOOOOOOOOOOO. My head really hurts cause i got a hurt in gym i think i have a minor cuncontion i can't spell sorry but my head really hurt's. And im doing to project know and i can vagly see the words they keep moving.

Monday, September 17, 2012

Wired days

Today in class we did something a little different. We went over stuff that we learned awhile ago. But this stuff was going to be on a test. The test is going to be like in a week or two i don't know. I really don't really feel like doing the blog because i feel sick and i have a head cold. Everybody should know that head colds are the worst because you can never breath at all. But i'm starting to feel better cause i can breathe a little better. Anyways what we did in class today was interesting we like took note and the teacher made this little voice that sounded like stich from lilo and stich. it was pretty funny. I don't know why but i can't stop thinking  about what happened in spanish. Today in spanish we watched this video and it was really bad. This woman would be like hmmmmm eggs and crack an egg on her head and the yoke would go in to her mouth. And then she woulod come back and eat all this cheese. But the most disguting one was when she had an alvacado and she crushed it and then  ate it. I don't know why i keep getting side tracked but that was mostly what i did today. Sooo yeah.

Friday, September 14, 2012


Everyday we learn the same thing but its fun because we have different personalities, but its fun because some days will have fun and other days will be bored its something. My life is just as boring as everybody else's. i really just want this blog to be over with but it can't be because i have to type/write 150 - 200 i don't know  were talking about albums and records. Its funny because my cousin and i would go to my grandmothers and we would just play records and we would just pick a random one and we would dance and have a great time. Noe were talking about mind generated Ipods like people would put chips in your body and we would just play music in our head  and we would mind read everything. the whole class i was thinking about Homecoming i mean i'm not going cause i don't have a date and stuff. and know were talking about twitter. Technology has ligit taken over this world with its awesomeness. I love this class so much we do nothing and we blog for homework how cool is that we blog for fun and get to talk about what we did in class today and whatever we want to.

Thursday, September 13, 2012


Today in class everybody's Blog in the class wasn't working and mine was that's how i can do my blog. it was interesting i went to go get a drink today and when i came back people were staring at men then they started it. They started calling me DarBear and i hate the name DarBear my sister calls me and i hate it now Austin i don't really know which one but i'm going to go with the short Austin he started calling me that and it makes me mad and i just want of hit him or beat him wit a tennis racket it would bring me pleasure in some sort of way. Today we learned that Mr.Schick used to work on movie sets and he worked with the kid from Home Alone and i guess that's pretty awesome. I keep getting my homework answers wrong in Human Geo and it really makes me mad that i can't do anything right. People are so mean to me and i don't know why even during school, and classes, and just in genral. i want to know why everybody hates me. In Norway gas cost $9.69 per gallon that's insane. I'm just really bored and i don't really have anything to talk about and were talking about gas sounds really boring it's gas the price always goes up no matter what. It will go up and then it will go back down again. Now were talking about birth control and countries that have really big families just hoping that three of them will grow up and live there lifes. Then there's HIVS/AIDS it's just a stupid thing that i wish was never created.

Did you know that in a few years china will be the number one speaking country.
Did you know that there are 1,300 other people just like me.
Did you know that every 4:10 minutes 67 babies are born in the U.S. 247 in china, 395 in India,
Did you know that 50 million tweets are sent every day that's 600 per second

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Depressing day

Today in class we answered the questions that we had to answer a few days earlier it was really depressing because it went yo i'm chill and stuff  then BAME!!!!!!!!!!!!! a really depressing moment were we talk about the population of people in a america and then random little children dieing then we talk about it for like 20 minutes. We talked about nuclear bombs and how every country has them but America is the only country that actually used them because we needed to bomb Japan because of world war II. Did you know that during the great depresstion that if you were out of money you were out of money there were no food stamps or banking well the banking we have today, but there would be food lines in the middle of winter just to get food for your family. My life is boring because i haven't left the the country and half of my class has. life is just so boring when your not involled and you don't go anywhere you just don't have an exciting life like other people do. But is was just a depressing day also in china people make like $2 a day but in a america we make $7.50 an hour and three hundred dollars a week.

- Darian Weldon

Monday, September 10, 2012


The population of the U.S. is-314,346,307

1 ~ People's Republic of China 1,322,909,900
2 ~ India 1,131,043,000
3 ~ United States 303,158,700
4 ~ Indonesia 231,627,000
5 ~ Brazil 185,299,748

The population of Pakistan is- 170,642,500
The United States has a Constitutional Republic
The unemployment rate in Zimbabwe is 95%
The largest country in the world is- Russia
The third most number of airports is – Mexico
The rebublic of china has the greastest number of exports
 Saudi Arabia exports the most oil
The united states imports the most oil than any other country
The united states uses the most oil in the world
Yes women can sever in combat in china
A GDP is- Gross domestic product
The countries with the hightest GDP per capital are: Qatar, Luxembourg, Macau, Singapore, Norway, Kuwait, Brunei,  United States, United Arab Emirates, Switzerland,  Netherlands
Niger has the highest birth rate of 50.54%
The top11 countries that die of HIVS/AIDS are-Zimbabwe,  Zambia, Yemen,  Vietnam,  Venezuela, Uzbekistan, Uruguay, United States, United Kingdom, United Arab Emirates, Ukraine
The U.S. ranks 8th for deaths on HIV/AIDS
No, the united states is not #1 when it comes to cellphones however we are number 3
23.9% of americans are roman catholics
82.7% of Mexicans are roman catholic
NMR IS-Net migration rate is the difference of immigrants and emigrants of an area in a period of time,
No the united states does not havre the highest net migration rate
The world population is currently- 7,038,501,139

Thursday, September 6, 2012

Today in class we did the same thing we do every day. We listen to him talk about Illinois. Illinois is known as the prairie state. The capital is Springfield. Once you get out of the city it’s completely farm land like flat. Like the roads are like someone drew them on a map. Like a coloring sheet. And we learned that Mr. Schick was born in Chicago. He was born in December on the 9th the year will probably be determined later when he brings it up randomly in when I was a kid….. Kind of stories btw he owes us 40 cents. And we also learned how to take notes. The things we learned about Illinois were for fourth graders. I like how he thinks of us as fourth graders not ninth graders so glade. I’m really really really bored in class sometimes so this is all I’m typing slash writing because im bored as can be.
-Darian Weldon

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

wiki leaks

         Today in class we did the same thing we do almost every class. I mean we did learn that Mr. Schick is like in the love with wiki and the government websites and I don’t really know why it’s kind of  creep. I was taught in middle school, well we weren’t allowed to use wiki on any of our school papers because we don’t know if it was the real truth or not. Because somebody could just go on it ( they had a wiki account) and they could just go change it and what is that I mean why would you want to go and change. There are people out there that really need good information and then random werid people go and change it for no reason there just really mean and jerks for doing that. Probably when they needed to write paper they just go on wiki and find out that the info is wrong and they get mad and then they go and change it because ethey had a bad day because they got a bad grade on the paper the failed because they used wiki. I don’t like wiki. They only time I’ve ever used wiki was on a Spanish project and it was a really stupid project. ¿por qué aún tenemos que aprender de todos modos español you figure it out. It means why do we even have to learn Spanish anyways.